About Cynthia Smith
I’m a wordsmith with decades of experience helping companies and organizations market their products and services.
Your message becomes clear to me when I hear the passion in your voice and see the light in your eyes. My job is to package that message with the words, tone, length, flow, emphasis, and images that will engage your audience.
You know what you want to say. I’ll help you say it right.

Adapted from “Powerful Words are Music to Cynthia Smith’s Ears,” by Kathryn Flynn, editor at Dragonfly Editorial
Cynthia Smith has yet to meet a keyboard she can’t master. Though her initial plan was to become a concert pianist, these days she’s a writer, creating compositions on an entirely different kind of keyboard.
She loves the flexible schedule and variety of work she’s tasked with. “I think words are fascinating and have so much power. People pretend like words don’t matter, but they matter enormously,” she said. “I’m passionate about communicating in a clear way because I think a lot of people don’t.”
Though she worked as an advertising copywriter for several years, Cynthia prefers assignments with a bit more substance. “I’ve always been more of a kind of person who writes informative and educational and inspiring things versus what you immediately think of when you think of advertising,” she said. “For one of my largest clients, I’m writing social media to drive people to white papers about industry trends, so it’s a more informative type of writing, and for another client I’m writing profiles about people, which is more like feature writing than advertising.”
Cynthia, a native of Indianapolis, majored in music at Indiana University. “I imagined I would become a concert pianist on the stage of Carnegie Hall,” she recalled. “But it was a pretty short time before I realized that wasn’t going to happen and I should think of another direction.” Fortunately, music majors at Indiana could have an outside field of concentration, so Cynthia added journalism, marketing, and speech classes to her course load and shifted her focus to arts administration.
After graduation, she took a job as group sales manager for the Cincinnati Playhouse. From there, she took on copywriting at two different agencies. Then, in 1989, after a magical seven-month trip around the world with her husband, she decided to start her own company, Smith Communications.
Being her own boss provided the variety she craves. “I’ve done a lot of healthcare writing, B2B, corporate internal communications. It’s really been all over the map,” she said.
Such a diverse clientele requires a versatile skill set. Cynthia said her approach to writing assignments depends on the size of the task at hand. “I just try to dive into it and learn as much as I can as quickly as I can. Sometimes I write an outline if it’s a big job, but if it’s short profile or advertorial, I can just read it over, pull out what I want to start with, and then sort of magically find transitions into the next part,” she explained. “I feel that’s a strong suit, being able to make things flow in a way that makes sense.”
Cynthia has been married for 35 years to her husband Denny, whom she met after moving to Cincinnati for her first job. They settled in to their new life together, but when they tried to start a family, they had a tough time getting pregnant. After eight years of infertility treatment, the couple adopted infant son Jason, now 21. Eighteen months later, sister Jasmine, now 19, joined the fold. Though some may consider the family unconventional—both parents are white and both children are African American—to the Smiths it couldn’t be more natural.
“The amazing thing I always tell people is bonding with a child has nothing to do with being pregnant. It’s having responsibility for that child,” she said. “We were at Jason’s birth, and the instant he was born I would have died for him. I’m sure being pregnant makes you feel close to the child, but it can happen other ways, and that bond was instant.”
With both children now in college, Cynthia has a bit more time for two passions: a good bike ride and a good book. Make that many bike rides and many books.
A lifelong cyclist, she took it up a notch when she joined an all-women’s cycling group, Bad Ass Bicyclists with Estrogen (BABES) about a decade ago. Now a board member of the Cincinnati Cycle Club, Cynthia leads about 70 group rides a year. “I kind of found a niche being the casual leader, so I nurture people who are starting out.”
Her husband cycles as well, though they rarely bike together these days. “We kind of have a different perspective,” Cynthia explained. “He enjoys a solitary ride. He gets up every Saturday and Sunday morning and does a similar route. I like a group, I like the socializing. I like being the leader because I can control where we’re going and how fast we’re going to go!”
When the day’s ride is done, Cynthia likes to curl up with a good book. “I like a variety. I like fiction for sure. I do read some chick lit, I’ll admit, but I like stories that have a little more meat to ’em,” she said. Her favorite authors range from Barbara Kingsolver to John Irving, with the occasional Maeve Binchy (that would be the chick lit) thrown in for good measure.
She also likes to keep track of what she reads. “I write down every book that I read in a notebook. And then sometimes I’ll do little miniature reviews of maybe my 10 best of the year. I read about 50 books a year, and so I’ll do these little mini reviews for friends who like to read.”
And though she loves to read novels, she doesn’t see herself writing one. “People always say, ‘Why don’t you write a book?’” she laughed. “I tell them I don’t think that’s for me, but I really do get into every topic I’m writing about. I think there’s this innate curiosity in me—or maybe it’s curiosity plus ADHD—that makes this perfect. In one day I’m writing about trenchless pipe repair and then I’m writing about the newest trends in robotics. And that’s perfect for me.”